Response Group
Response Group
Response Group Activities
The Response Program is a process of ongoing discernment, fellowship, and prayer designed for adult Catholic men (college age and older) who have expressed interest in diocesan priesthood.
- To offer a forum of mutual support for discerning a call to a priestly vocation.
- To assist the spiritual growth of those considering diocesan priesthood as a possible vocation response.
- To allow men in discernment a chance to meet and talk with our seminarians.
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
- Wednesday, March 26th, 6-8 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 30th, 6-8 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 28th, 7:00 Mass for Ascension Thursday!
Dinner is provided!
Location (unless otherwise noted) is St. Gregory the Great Ministry Center:
-- Please keep our mission in your prayers!
"Ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest." (Lk 10:2)
To learn more about the Response Program, please complete the form below...
Prayer for Vocations
Holy Spirit, eternal Spring of joy and peace
it is You who open the hearts and the mind
to the divine call;
it is You who make effective every impetus
towards good, towards truth, towards charity.
Your 'inexpressible groans'
rise up to the Father for the heart of the Church,
which suffers and struggles for the Gospel.
so that a new flowering of holy vocations to the priesthood
and all may know Christ,
the true light of the world
to offer to every human being
the sure hope of eternal life. Amen
-- Pope John Paul II